Sunday, June 27, 2010

NHA/NRA Introductory Pistol Course...

Instructors for the NHA held an Introduction to Firearms course over the past weekend, including the curriculum for the NRA Basic Pistol course. Of the seven students in the class, three were actually experienced pistol shooters who wanted to take the NRA class, and the rest were new to handguns in various ways.

The class started at 9am on Saturday, where the students were introduced to the principles of firearms safety, nomenclature and function of various pistols, rules of gun safety, information about cartridges, and laws of safe gun handling.

See a theme here? :)

Students handled revolvers, single-action semi-automatic pistols, double-action semi-automatic pistols, and and various safe-action and striker-fired guns. They practiced their grip, stance, and trigger control with AirSoft handguns, and at the end of the first day, used gas-powered AirSoft guns (with slides that recoiled) in small mock-ups of a few stages such as might be seen at a USPSA action pistol match.

On Sunday, students went to the range, and those new to firearms worked with .22LR pistols, shooting at various distances, then got a chance to shoot a range of firearms in .38spl, 9mm, and .45acp. Experienced shooters participated in a series of handgun skill-building drills, including strong- and weak-hand-only shooting, quick reloads.

Here are some pictures from the weekend...

Fine, time to shoot things. First, some pictures of a couple of our experienced shooters here and there:

Practicing strong-hand only (targets were 3 inch dots at 7 yards):
Weak-hand only (weak single hand recoil is different, if you have never done it before)...
Freestyle, and weak-hand only...
Some different types of reloading drills...
Not bad form for single-hand shooting at speed!

...and then some pictures of our new shooters.

Started with basic .22LR pistols fairly close up...

Shooting in relays, observing the other shooters, and moving back to longer distances over time...

and lastly, people got a chance to fire a range of weapons in different calibers.

Class was a success--no one got shot, everyone had fun, and people learned about firearms!

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