Friday, December 19, 2008

Response to Women's Self-Defense vs a Hook Punch, Part II...

Awhile back, we posted a response video on YouTube regarding a defensive move vs. a hook punch. We got a video response to our response, and it is shown below. After viewing it, I sent the link to some of my students, from green belt to black belt, and asked for commentary.

Here is the response video:

And here is some commentary from them regarding what they saw:


First, his movements were too complicated. In order to make the wind work, you have to see the punch coming and be ready to block, AND AT THE EXACT POINT OF IMPACT transition into a reverse pivot. This is very unlikely, because in an actual attack, it is highly unlikely the woman will see the punch coming until it is halfway there. I would like to see that tiny woman do the complete technique in a dark parking lot, including takedown, to Pete. [Sabum’s note: Pete is a member of our class who is large, very solid, very strong, and very tough. He is one of our test people for self-defense techniques. Saying “it would work on Pete” is a high compliment for self-defense techniques.]

Second, that technique is very one-dimensional, i.e. you have only one or two choices once you initiate the block and pivot. And after turning her back to her attacker, she ducks under his arm and then goes for the armbar takedown. The only other option after the block & pivot is to run away, which I would suggest instead of trying that unlikely armbar takedown. The NHA technique is superior because it is multi-dimensional. After the block, Ardi was "inside" of Sabumnim with all of his primary targets exposed, chiefly his face. Elbows and knees and kicks and reaps could all be applied at that point, followed up by takedowns (if necessary). The initial block also had a "stun" dimension to it unlike the wind.

In summary, the wind looks good on Youtube, and the principal of absorbing and transferring energy is correct, but I have serious doubts about its merits against a strong hook punch.


The very last one they did confirmed what I felt could happen, she had a hard time controlling his arm, and I would say she never really did have control of the arm. Then her elbow strike hit his chest every time, and her hand was higher then the point of impact which is bad form (but not knowing her rank I don't put much thought into "Her" elbow strikes). But if the man is much taller than the women it could be hard to strike him in the face, and even if I strike Pete in the chest I don't think it would make a difference.

I think it’s a high level move based on timing, and not practical for lower level students. Working in class on defenses from linear attacks (punch, grab) when I was not allowed to move my feet, I once guided Pete's hand right into my own eye. I knew it was coming and my timing was off just a hair and I ended up with one arm on the inside of Pete's arm and one on the outside of his arm, instead of both arms outside pushing the attack safely away from my own face.

I view the hook punch defense like a baseball bat defense or club, if you are on the inside of the attack (face to face) they lose quite a bit of power.

Also just a thought, could you use his opening and turn it into a sacrifice throw, without taking too much of the force of the punch? [Sabum’s Note: Yep. Matter of fact, a number of throwing arts do precisely that. We actually have techniques such as that, also. However, for women’s self-defense we wouldn’t teach them, as they are low-percentage.]


I've also watched the video several times and agree with Matt. The movements are entirely too complicated for a high percentage defensive technique. From a woman's perspective, I like to evaluate techniques based on "what can *I* do quickly, efficiently, and with as little risk to myself as possible." The technique that we use has more positive attributes than the response that Sabumnim received, as Matt pointed out. I would rarely think of a time that I would willingly turn my back on my attacker. My timing against punches is not perfect, and this technique is based on timing the pivot precisely so that the energy of the punch is absorbed and redistributed into the circle and the subsequent elbow.

Additionally, in a self defense situation against an unknown attacker, I would not willingly choose an offensive technique that leaves myself vulnerable, should it fail. The arm bar take-down (elbow break) that is chosen in the response video looks great, but if the guy is large and the placement of my arm is not precise, then I am simply going to be hanging off his arm while he turns and proceeds to wallop me. If, however, my mass is sufficient enough to take him down and I don't break the arm, I am now in a ground fighting situation. Most women are not adequately trained for that situation, and that tends to be an even more difficult situation to get quickly away to safety.

Oh, and prior to the arm bar, there is the small problem of simply lifting the attackers arm over my head to put myself in position for the arm bar. Now, I'll submit that if I time the initial move correctly, absorb the flow of the punch and transfer the energy of my spin into my elbow AND place the elbow precisely in the face of the guy, THEN I MIGHT be able to lift the arm to step under for the arm bar. HOWEVER, the take down/elbow break is dependent upon everything else being done precisely and with exquisite timing.

I like the technique that we initially learn much better. Yes, we are closing with the attacker, but we are placing ourselves in a position that allows us to have further options. Personally, I think I would prefer to block the arm (as Sabumnim and Ardi demonstrate), grab the wrist, throw the outside elbow once or twice (or three times :)) and then take out the leg in a fashion that leaves me standing and the attacker crying for mercy on the ground. I would most likely use a crumple throw in that situation. Although I love the axe kick, I know that for balance and stability, the crumple throw is more stable than the axe kick.

So, to sum up my long-winded response. I like our technique better because it is not overwhelmingly dependent upon timing, it does not force me to turn my back on my attacker, and I am not utilizing an offensive technique that is at times a low percentage technique that would leave me on the ground next to my attacker.

Sabum's Response:

One important thing to bear in mind here is that we aren't trying to compete--the point of this isn't "our technique is better that yours!" or anything like that. We aren't comparing arts, styles, or practitioners. What we are doing, hopefully, is comparing effectiveness of technique, for a given situation. In the videos below, I hope I clearly explain that what we are doing is critiquing the use of the technique, not any given person.

One thing (in addition to my commentary in the videos below) regarding the response we received: The circular movement shown is something that occurs in Hapkido, also. However, we tend to not use it vs a circular attack, particularly if we are moving to the inside. We do utilize it vs a linear attack, most often choosing to move ourselves to the attacker's outside in our rotation. Thus, the linear attack (once we deflect and move offline) has no force with which to impact us, and the outside movement makes followup techniques by the attacker extremely difficult. I may add a short video of what I mean by that in the next post here.

Here is the set of response videos we created:

Thursday, November 20, 2008


At the end of October, four students tested for their next rank---and passed! Joshua received his 9th gup, Pete his 7th gup, Ardena her 6th gup, and Travis earned his 4th gup.

(They are all a little bedraggled, because this picture of them with their new ranks was taken after class one evening.)

We've had several new white belts all join class at the beginning of this month---lately the white belts have outnumbered the rest of the class! In conjunction with her new rank, we've been having Ardena lead them through parts of the class lately, while Sabumnim walks around and whacks people with a stick...

In a few more weeks, several other students will be up for testing---and anyone is welcome to come and observe!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Response to Locks/Flow Drills Videos...

This time, the videos we are responding to are similar to the following:

and also


There are a number of other lock/flow drills from Hapkido schools on YouTube, but these two are fairly good representatives of what you'll see.

So: In the first one, we see someone flowing quite well, moving easily, the other person being driven around by the locks...

...I wonder if it would have looked like that if the person doing the locks had been smaller than the attacker? Or if the attacker had been resisting at all? Go back and look at the motion again---see how the defender created force to use. How much is arm strength and size? How much is body movement?

In the second one, look at how the arm bar is applied---the defender puts their upper-body weight on the arm, and folds over at the waist. That is one way to drop your weight---but what does it do to your balance? What does it mean with regards to the size difference requirements between the attacker and the defender?

and then there was ours...

One of the reasons I continually harp on "drop into a cat stance" during the angle 2 lock isn't because I really need to see you settle into a static stance at the end of the movement. I do, however, need to have you rotate and drop your weight as you perform the lock--otherwise, it is just your arm strength vs your opponent's arm strength. (Remember, the point of stances is so that you can generate power by bodily movement without sacrificing balance and structure.)

We use our center to create force downward during an angle 2, forward then downward (using a front stance) during an arm bar, then rotationally and downward during the angle 1 throw at the end. If you step into a position, stop, then apply the lock/throw--all you are going to do is create a situation where it is your arm strength vs theirs.

That arm bar is a good example for that---if you step, stop, and then try to force the other person downward, they just aren't going to go if they have any strength/stature that is comparable to yours. If you use your upper body to force them down, you'd better be heavier than they are---and your balance had better be really good as you stand there with a resisting opponent with your knees straight and your body folded in half.

Or how about instead, driving their upper body forward with your body weight as you step forward, then roll their shoulder downward as you continue your movment into a low front stance, extending them past their balance point, and downward after they have no more support. Your balance is kept by the good stance, and you are able to move them using your center's movement, instead of your arm strength.

Everything comes from the center. Whether it is for a lock, a throw, punches, or kicks---all power comes from your center's movement. (Granted, it is more obvious to see this when performing a lock.)

When performing a technique, figure out where your center is---then figure out where it needs to go to create the force to apply your technique.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Roundup at the Roundabout Demonstration...

Members of the NHA class performed an extended demonstration at the Roundup at the Roundabout on October 25th, 2008. Taking mats and a crash pad, students set up outdoors in the strip mall's parking lot at 10am and demonstrated various techniques until 2pm.

Luckily for us, the weather cooperated perfectly, and it was a wonderful sunny day for the Roundup. Lots of kids in costumes, various games and demonstrations, and people having fun.

The students gave a couple of formal demonstrations, and then spent the rest of the time beating each other up in true approved Hapkido fashion.

Here are some pictures and video from the time we spent out there:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Student's First USPSA Action Pistol Match...

On October 5th, Ardi participated in her first ever Action Pistol match. 5 stages, with various types of draw, movement, reloading, and moving targets. In her division, she ended up 8th out of 13, which is excellent for a first-timer!

She's planning on participating in the November pistol match also, so check back later to see how she did!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Some things you see on YouTube...

Comments from Sabumnim:
Why is it that when you see videos of Hapkido (or many other martial arts) on YouTube, it makes you cringe? I know that Hapkido is a great art, and very useful for self-defense--and yet, often when I see Hapkido videos on YouTube, it makes me embarrassed for my art.

One of the things we are going to do to promote Hapkido as a viable, valuable self-defense art is create some video clips showing what our class considers useful techniques, and put them on YouTube. Not only will that tell the world about our school, but more importantly, hopefully work on changing some of the opinions that people must have about Hapkido after seeing some of the other videos available.

I realize this makes me sound as if I believe our school has a monopoly on Good Hapkido(tm), and that isn't how I feel. But I certainly do feel that there are a lot of martial arts schools out there who don't know what they are doing, yet still feel compelled to demonstrate their "abilities" for all the world to see.

A few days ago I was sent a link to this YouTube video, which is about a single defensive movement in response to a hook punch. As I watched it, I kept thinking "this person learned this move from someone who didn't understand it." The defensive strike's target is good, the basic idea is sound--but it is missing the details that actually make it effective. It is like learning a martial technique from a picture--your body might end up in the proper position, but the underlying structure and movement that make it work isn't there, because the picture didn't include the details that actually make the technique effective.

So, I and one of my students recorded some commentary and action regarding this specific technique. This isn't about self-defense in general, nor is it about applications or followup techniques--this video is only about a specific defense blocking a hook punch. That being said, it seemed important to make a distinction between a defense that will work, and one that won't. Feel free to watch both videos, and think critically about the difference in effectiveness. If you think I'm wrong, feel free to let me know.

Original Video:

Nebraska Hapkido Association Response:

I note also that the followup strike shown in the first video (the hammerfist strike to the nose) sounds really good---up until the point that you realize that you are trying to obliquely strike a small target on a person who is going to turn away just as you hit them. Hammerfist strikes are indeed useful at that point--but striking to the cheekbone or lower jaw (depending on how much their head is turned) is a much more useful strike because your chances of missing are much lower. If they are facing full front into you, by all means hit the nose---but certainly don't do it sideways, striking away from your attacker.

We might put together another video about that strike, too. We'll see.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Go Team NHA!

Three people from the NHA class shot at the Steel Challenge Match at the Eastern Nebraska Gun Club today! Julie shot her second one of the year, and Ardi shot her first Steel Challenge match ever.
Steel matches are a little different from regular pistol matches--in steel matches (for three of the stages) you have an array of five steel targets, and you draw and hit each target once for time. Then you reload and holster, and do it again---four more times. Your slowest time is dropped, and your other times are all added together for your score for that stage. All stage times are added up, and the lowest number (the fastest overall time) wins.

In our case, a steel match also includes one or two other stages where it is still all steel, but there might be movement and such, and you only run it once. Still, the total time is your score. There happened to be five stages this time.

Here are some clips from the various stages for both Julie and Ardi:

Good Job!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

More NHA Firearms...

Ardi watched Sabumnim compete in the Weeping Water Gun Club 3-Gun match on 09/06/08 (and the less said about how he did, the better) and afterward, she took some shots with two of the precision rifles that competitors were using.

Ardi has never shot a rifle before, particularly not a rifle like either of these. Her targets? Bowling pins placed 200 yards away.

We teach her some shotgun, and pretty soon she'll be participating in 3-gun matches!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

NHA Firearms - Ardi Shooting Her First Match...

On August 9th, Ardi participated in her first shooting competition--the Rock Your Glock match held at the Izaak Walton range near Lincoln, NE. Here are two of the three stages she shot:

As you can see, she did very well, particularly for someone who just started shooting two months ago. 47 people shot in her division.
  • On the plates, she was one of only 21 people to clear them completely
  • On the "5-to-25" stage, she was 12th in least number of penalty seconds for the stage
  • On the "M" stage, she was 3rd in least number of penalty seconds for the stage
She didn't shoot quickly, but she shot extremely accurately. (And speed will come with repetition, as we all know.) For a first competition she turned in an outstanding performance, as several range officials mentioned throughout the day.

Good job!

And the results are....

...they passed!

Congratulations to Pete, Ardi, Travis, Matt, and Julie for successfully passing their promotional testing and earning their new rank.
A particular note should be made:

The Nebraska Hapkido Association has been holding classes in Nebraska since 1997, and Julie has earned the first black belt that we have ever certified. This is Sabumnim Howard's first full, recognized black belt--and we hope to have many more students reach this milestone in the coming years.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

NHA Rank Test, July 19th

Five people tested for their next rank on Saturday, July 19th.
  • Julie tested for 1st Dan Black Belt
  • Matt tested for 2nd Gup Red/1 Stripe
  • Travis tested for 5th Gup Blue Belt
  • Ardena tested for 7th Gup Green Belt
  • Pete tested for 8th Gup Yellow/Green Belt
The two high belts started their tests at 9am with advanced basics, and the rest of the students joined/began the test at 9:30. Testing was completed by noon.

Here is some video of a few of the various board breaks...

Students will find out officially if they passed on Thursday, July 24th.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Students Shooting Handguns...

In Hapkido, a part of the curriculum is concerned with defense vs firearms. In my opinion, if you don't know how the things work (on a general level) your ability to handle them (from a self-defense perspective) drops sharply. As such, at least once a year I take my students (those who are interested) out and do a firearms familiarization class with them. They learn about handgun nomenclature, action types, revolvers vs semi-automatics, and we take several apart and see how they work.

We then cover the basics of stance, grip, trigger control, sighting, and breathing, and they work with AirSoft guns for awhile, continually demonstrating the ability to handle handguns safely and responsibly. After that, we head to the range, and they get a chance to do some shooting. All students (thus far) find it interesting, most (actually, all but one since I first started this) really enjoyed it, and several students have gotten hooked and eventually got their own handgun.

Lately, two of my students have come out shooting several times, and are interested in perhaps doing some competition shooting (USPSA-style). One in particular has been out shooting 6-or-so times in the last 3-4 weeks.

Bear in mind that she had never shot a handgun before we started a few weeks ago. Here is a little video of some of the things that she can do now...

Not too shabby for a beginner, hmm?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Michael Janich Self-Defense Concepts Seminar

In February 2008, Sabumnim Howard went to a Michael Janich self-defense concepts seminar at the Millard Black Belt Academy, sponsored by the Security Solutions Group. Mr. Janich is a well-known (and well-respected) instructor of martial arts and self-defense concepts, particularly in the realm of knife work. Here is Sabumnim’s review of the seminar, his opinion of Mr. Janich and his training, and some commentary on concepts:

This particular seminar was an introduction to the basic concepts of Mr. Janich’s empty-hand self-defense system, which is based on gross body movement and as near-universal applicability as he can manage. We started (as most seminars do) with a discussion of safety, and effective practice. Finding partners, we started drills building basic movement and gross motor skills. After some discussion and practice of the basic concepts, an expansion to the use of small tactical flashlights was discussed and practiced. At the end of the evening, several questions from the participants led to some empty-hand vs knife work that clearly showed Mr. Janich’s understanding of the differences between knife dueling and knife self-defense situations.

Before this goes any farther, it should immediately be said that I solidly enjoyed the seminar. There are many reasons to enjoy a seminar, but in particular, one of my main criterion is that it needs to either 1) provide me with at least one good solid concept (not merely a technique) that I can use to more effectively teach self-defense, or 2) provide me with solid data showing that what I am currently teaching will be effective for my students, while hopefully giving me some new drills to use with my students. This seminar provided both.

In addition, Mr. Janich is not only an effective teacher (as opposed to merely an instructor) but his explanations and commentary were both engaging and humorous. (My description of it to my students was that he had a very Hapkido sense of humor---and if you are a Hapkidoist, you know exactly what that means.)

So: the first useful concept I received from the seminar: downward motion is more intuitive for gross motor skills than outward or upward motion. In specific, the idea of a downward hammerfist strike is much easier for people to learn and perform under stress than outward palmheel strikes, or upward palmheel strikes.

I'd actually been thinking about this for awhile, as out of everything I've ever taught someone for self-defense, a basic palm-heel strike seems about the most difficult for women to understand and execute—and I never could understand why. It certainly wasn't something that was going to work well under stress, and yet something was needed for initial arms-length striking and followup. Every other hand strike I could come up with was even worse, so I have been sticking with simple variations on a basic palmheel—but I didn't really like it. It was just that I had nothing better.

A downward palmstrike (outward and downward, not merely downward) however, makes excellent sense and is very easy for people to pick up—and just as easily, transitions to hammerfist strikes without any difficulty at all. Even a badly done hammerfist strike can be strong, and a well-done one takes only basic gross motor skills that are intuitive, and thus easily learned and easy to execute under stress.

Janich followed the palm-reach/hammerfist combination with additional strikes, and then discussed (and had us practice) transitioning to knee strikes.

This part also made me happy,because it matched both what I knew about effective basic self-defense, and what I teach. The opening block/deflection palmheel, to distance strikes, to knees is something my self-defense students learn from the beginning, so it was good to see that what I have been teaching matched knowledgeable self-defense expert's opinions and concepts.

Various finishes and disengaging motions were covered, in particular Mr. Janich's strong proclivity for breaking ankles—not his, the other guy's. As he said, if you break their ankle, it makes it difficult for them to get up and chase you. Unsurprisingly, I also enjoyed this part as the techniques he used for ankle breaks matched some of the low kicks we do in Hapkido—exactly both in form and in execution.

Next we got out the tactical flashlights (also known as “small metal sticks”) and practiced similar movements—which fed directly into the prior movement concepts. Mr. Janich's comment was that you want to be holding something that extends past your hand slightly so that when you hit something, you are hitting with something that has no nerves in it—so you can hit as hard as you like. With the flashlight held correctly, the earlier hammerfist was suddenly turned into a much stronger strike—but the movement and positioning stayed the same, and thus worked well for self-defense.

Mr. Janich made the comment that empty-hand and weapons use should be integrated, movement-wise, because it makes little sense to have to change to an entirely different type and manner of movement just because you are holding something different in your hand.

Towards the end of the evening, we spent some time working basic reactions to some standard knife strikes, including inside strikes and stabs. Here is where I got my second conceptual “Ah-Ha!” of the evening, when he discussed the difference between the way many people presented knife attacks, and what many knife attacks look like.

In real life, true deadly knife attacks are often not some duel-oriented, large-scale wild attack. Quite the contrary—most knife attacks are ferocious, direct-line repeated stabs to the midsection. Unfortunately, most martial arts don't practice defenses vs these types of attacks. (Possibly because they don't know them? This isn't saying that various arts don't have the defenses as part of the style—but I have run into plenty of instructors who would not know how to defend against realistic knife assaults.)

I should say here that in my Hapkido class, we don't practice defenses against those types of assaults for quite some time—so many of my students would not know how to defend against them at lower ranks, either. There is a rationale for that, which I'll probably talk about in the next article. Whether that rationale is actually rational, I'll have to think about. Currently, I teach knife defense as I was taught—we'll see if that order changes slightly after next month's article when I give it some thought.

The conceptual “Ah-Ha!' that occurred wasn't exactly in the blocking technique that Mr. Janich used, nor was it exactly in the movement after the block (which tied up the knife arm of the attacker)--but it did have to do with both of those things.

Repeated direct-line stabs are just hard to block—and if you can't block them against a knife, you are dead. The bad thing is that in practice, people don't really do direct-line stabs. After awhile, most people start doing upward swings that start low and swing full-arm upward into the stomach area. These are easier to block, and most people (even when blocking correctly) stand there for a few strikes, with their hands outstretched, blocking the upward swings, then move in and catch the arm and complete the technique.

Unfortunately, while the original block may have worked against a direct-line stab, the practice turns into something that won't. My conceptual moment occurred when I watched a couple of people who were otherwise skilled, initially have problems completing the control technique, but later do it easily (and congratulate themselves on their understanding) once the original attack had been modified into the upward swing. They weren't actually proficient yet at this (and Mr. Janich caught this, and worked with them on it) but it seemed so to them because they didn't understand the important difference.

The blocking technique Mr. Janich taught worked in both cases equally well. However, the followup to stop the remaining attacks and set the control technique worked only if your movement followed your block. In other words, blocking once, twice, three times merely by leaving your hands out there may have been effective on upward swings, but not on realistic direct-line attacks. The block may be used against multiple attacks—but it can't just sit there, as direct-line attacks will then either go above it, or attack your block.

So conceptually, something that had been bothering me suddenly had a solution, after watching Mr. Janich demonstrate a technique I knew, but with movement in such a way that it worked in a majority of situations, instead of merely in a specific one. Good stuff!

So, overall Pros and Cons of the seminar:

  • We didn't trade partners nearly enough. In most seminars, if the instructor doesn't make people trade, they won't. I worked with the same partner for the entire evening, and I very much would have preferred to work with a variety of people and body types.
  • There could have been slightly more instructor supervision. Mr. Janich did a good job of trying to keep an eye on everyone, and I and my partner had Mr. Janich or one of his assistants come discuss things with us several times. That being said, my partner had very little experience with this type of movement, and it always works better with corrections coming from an instructor than from a partner (especially since he didn't know me from Bubba).
  • Personal Con: would have liked to do all of this at a higher level—either higher intensity training, or higher level of attack (either commitment-wise or proficiency-wise). However, this con doesn't really count, as this was advertised as a introduction-level seminar, open to anyone. As such, Mr. Janich had no choice in what level he could teach, and allow training-wise.
I should note that out of all of the Cons listed, the first one was the only one that really should be addressed in future seminars (in my opinion).

Pros (I'm actually going to have to limit this, because the true list is somewhat lengthy):
  • Mr. Janich has outstanding fundamental movement. Watching his fundamentals through the seminar was just fun, as his body movement, focus, and use of center was outstanding. The seminar was worth going to just to watch his demonstrations, because it was an excellent example of how fundamental movement principles are universally applicable.
  • He also has an excellent teaching manner—his instructions are clear, to the point, humorous (for those who appreciate dark humor), and engaging. Makes it easy to retain knowledge.
  • Good solid useful self-defense technique taught for the level of seminar. Again, the focus on gross body movements and integrated movement made it highly intuitive.
  • Excellent training area and equipment—the Millard Black Belt Academy hosted the seminar, and we were able to use their striking pads and nice soft floor area for practice. It worked well for the size of the seminar. (Large enough that we weren't crashing into each other, small enough that people had to retain at least a basic level of situational awareness during drills.)
Overall, a very good seminar. I told the sponsors (Chris and Thane from the Security Solutions Group) that if they ever invite Mr. Janich back to let me know, because I'll bring a number of my students next time. Good stuff for them to see and practice.

One last thing that impressed me about Mr. Janich:

About the middle of the seminar, he was talking about how a certain type of block was applicable in a number of situations, and had one of his assistants strike him. The assistant came forward (hard!) with an attack that was incorrect for the situation Mr. Janich had been discussing. Mr. Janich had been in the middle of still speaking as he started his block, and as such his attention was on the audience, not the attacker. So—he caught a good solid punch right in the face, striking his nose and his glasses. His assistant froze. Mr. Janich simply pulled his glasses off, inspected them, said mildly “You bent the frames,” bent them back, put them back on, and had the assistant hit him again.

No expression of anger or annoyance, no attempt to cover a mistake, no repercussions for the assistant (though I'm fairly sure he got made fun of later) just a brief pause while the glasses were fixed, and a continuation of the seminar. No comment about "you attacked me wrong" or anything of the sort.

THAT is professional. And shows both class, and self-control. You don't always see that, even in seminars with high-level instructors. Matter of fact, sometimes it is the high level ones that most can't handle being seen to make a mistake in front of people.

So: The seminar was enjoyable, and Mr. Janich was both fun to watch, and good to learn from. If he comes into your area, go. Whether you have seen the stuff he teaches or not, it'll still be a good time.

After the seminar, Mr. Janich was good enough to stand for a picture with me. Note: he doesn't know me from anybody, so don't take this picture as any sort of endorsement from him. I'm not one of his instructors, though I must admit I'm thinking about perhaps taking some of his knife training...

Blog Explanation

Welcome to the blog site of the Nebraska Hapkido Association! Periodically, we’ll add new articles about the martial arts in general, ideas specific to Hapkido, or concepts relevant to self-defense. In addition, we’ll post links to seminars we find interesting, and videos or articles found elsewhere that we consider important.

On the right are links to the Nebraska Hapkido Association website in addition to the YouTube site for the NHA where we will slowly build our library of video clips discussing/explaining aspects of Hapkido. At the top right is an announcements area, which for the most part will simply give class meeting times. However, in cases of emergency, other announcements (such as class cancellations) will also be posted there.